Silent Meditation (Theme: Self Study)
Tuesday, April 1 @ 7 pm

The world is loud. Let's turn the dial down and sit together in silent meditation. This month's session will focus on kind, compassionate self-study. Journal prompts will be provided.

Thursdays: 4/10, 4/17 & 4/24

Rest + Restore Yoga Series

Friday, April 18 and Saturday, April 19

Enneagram Workshop

Do you find yourself: Feeling anxious, tense or on edge? Clenching your jaw? Holding your breath? Experiencing a racing heart or buzzing body? Having trouble concentrating? Feeling disconnected from yourself?

The (Re)Connect Series is a trauma-informed accessible yoga series designed to provide tools to those struggling with mental health, anxiety or trauma. Yoga poses offered in this series come with options to practice from a chair, on the floor or standing. The practice is simple and accessible so participants are able to practice staying present in their bodies and (re)connecting to themselves.

The next session begins May 2025.

Saturday, June 28, 2025

You can find me leading a morning stretch at Pride on the Riverfront!